HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Be sure to check out my Marvelous Monthly Questions!!!! The correct answers to those questions are right here on this page so be SURE to read carefully!!!!

Check Out Amy!


Hi. My name is Amy King.

My favorite color is purple. My favorite foods are watermelon and ice cream. I love reading too.

I'm 11 years old (thats why you see 11 HI's at the top of the page). My birthday is on September 30th.

I am in 7th grade. I go to Acadia Middle School. My teachers are... um... actually the school year hasn't started yet (lol) so I have no idea who my teachers are. (Hehehe.)

I take violin lessons at school. My lesson teacher is Mr. Gumpper. I have been taking violin lessons since the beginning of 4th grade. I have to miss class for lessons, though, and that stinks. I also take piano lessons. My teacher is Mrs. E.

I have glasses, just for distances. I want contacts. I also want my ears pierced.

I take ballet lessons. My ballet teacher is Ms. Bethany. I go to Mary Ann Fourtune's School of Dance. I have been taking lessons for seven years (since I was four). This will be my eighth year taking it. Dance Schools: First, I went to Mary Anne Fourtune's for two years. Then, I went to the Dance Department for two years. Then, I went to Eleanor's for, of course, two years. So, now I am at Mary Ann Fourtune's (again) for my 3rd year in a row. Wow! More than two years!

My middle name is Elizabeth. E-l-i-z-a-b-e-t-h. Amy Elizabeth King. Pretty nice name, isn't it? PS- I didn't know how to spell Elizabeth until, like, 3rd grade or something. Hehehe.

I am standing in front of the quilt in my room. This is an old picture.

Courtney (my friend) and I at the pool. This is a very old picture.

Jeffrey, Allison, and I at Hoffmans. This is an extremely old picture.

I hope you like my page! Also, try out my  Marvelous Monthly Questions!!.

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