by Jeffrey S. King
Last revised: 8/26/08
This Web site is to show things we have done at the King House. In this site you will see some quilts made by my mom that took her a long time to make. I have put in a family link so I can show certain things we have done here at this house. Also, a link to Dad's website is available.
If you would like to let me know something, you can send me Comments, Questions, or Suggestions (by clicking on the envelope), and I will write back to you as soon as I can.
For the links, please click on either the hoverbutton for the link or the link itself. You might have to click on the hoverbutton twice. IMPORTANT!!!: Not all computers can show hoverbuttons due to the fact that Java might not be installed on the computer. If this is the case, links are available for your use. Thank you.
Updated Recently!
Everyone in my family will have the chance to put something on this site.
Look at Allison
Mom's Quilts
Old Family
Check Out Amy!
  Amy's Marvelous Monthly Questions!
Look at Allison
Mom's Quilts
Dad's Speakers
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